
Dragon Fire

Set against the backdrop of legendary New York rappers, this original production by the Circus Bazaar Company follows the bloodthirsty ‘Dragon Fire’ as he avenges the brutal murder of the beautiful Kara by battling street thugs, deadly ninjas, and a Rothschild orgy before facing down the Big Boss on top of an abandoned print shop.

Hate Speech

In this original production by the Circus Bazaar Company, a medieval poet is arrested and tortured by the clergy. As history resurrects his story, we are reminded that history does not repeat itself—it rhymes. Follow R.A. the Rugged Man as he navigates through a contemporary critique of iconoclasm, finding himself at the heart of a timeless conflict.

The Serpent in Paradise

The Serpent in Paradise is an original documentary by the Circus Bazaar Company that looks at the relationship between ethnic homogeneity, wealth redistribution, and discrimination in the country of Norway and then asks a difficult question. In a society built on values of egalitarianism, are some more equal than others?

Nuclear Climate Change

Presented by the International Forum for Understanding, Nuclear Climate Change is an immersive political opera that aims to shed light on the relationship between the two most pressing existential threats to the human condition.

Yes to Double Citizenship

From 1 January 2020, it is allowed to have one or more citizenships in addition to a Norwegian citizenship. You can have one or more citizenships in addition to a Norwegian citizenship. Even so, if the country you are a citizen of now does not allow that you have more than one citizenship, you can still lose this citizenship when you become a Norwegian citizen.

The Jeff Bleich Centre

The Jeff Bleich Centre for Democracy and Disruptive Technologies (JBC) is a research centre in the College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University. The JBC recognises that democratic values and institutions need strengthening in order to flourish in democratic societies. It also recognises the disruptive nature of some technological advances…